
  • LWIR Zoom Lenses for Industrial and Security Applications

    Long-Wave Infrared (LWIR) zoom lenses have become indispensable tools in modern industrial and security systems. Their unique ability to capture thermal information in a wide variety of conditions makes them ideal for applications that require precision, reliability, and adaptability. In this ar...
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  • Plano-Concave and Plano-Convex Lenses: 2024 Guide to Their Optical Properties and Applications

    1. Introduction                                                                                                                                 Wavelength Opto-Electronic Plano-Concave & Plano-Convex Lenses In the realm of optics, plano-concave and plano-convex lenses stand out as fundament...
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  • What Are Aspheres? Utilizing Aspheres In Optical Systems

    What Are Aspheres? Utilizing Aspheres In Optical Systems

    Aspheric lenses, also known as aspheres, have emerged as a key player in optics, reshaping the way we perceive and capture the world. Unlike traditional spherical lenses, aspheres introduce a new level of precision and clarity in optical design. 1. What are Aspheres? Aspherics deviate from the s...
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  • Bessel Beam Design Methods

    Bessel Beam Design Methods

    To simultaneously melt the materials on both sides of the interface and establish a high-strength micro-region bond, the laser focal point must be precisely focused on the sample, which imposes stringent demands on the processing accuracy of the welding system. Additionally, due to the large axia...
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  • Understanding the Role of Optics for Consumer Electronics in 2024

    1. Introduction Consumer electronics have become an integral part of our daily lives, shaping people’s communication, work processes, and entertainment. Behind the sleek and compact designs of consumer electronics lies a world of cutting-edge technology, with optics playing a pivotal role. 2. Co...
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  • Go into thermal imaging and know thermal imaging!

    Go into thermal imaging and know thermal imaging!

    All objects release infrared energy (heat) according to their temperature. The infrared energy emitted by an object is called its thermal signal. Usually, the hotter an object is, the more radiation it emits. Thermal imager (also known as thermal imager) is essentially a thermal sensor, which can...
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  • How far can I see with thermal camera?

    How far can I see with thermal camera?

    Well, this is a reasonable question but with no simple answer. There are too many factors that would affect the results, such as the attenuation in different climatic conditions, the sensitivity of thermal detector, the imaging algorithm, dead-point and back ground noises, and the target backgrou...
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